
End-of-Semester Portfolio


Name: Yaojia Lei


Part 1: Reflection (One paragraph)


Among the four projects (Comic Strip, Infographics, Film Review and Argument Essay) in ENL211, which one you feel that you did a great job? Which one you enjoyed most? Which one you did not like at all? What is the most important thing you have learned this semester?



I think I did a great job on argument essay and it is also the one that I enjoyed most. Comic Strip is the one that I did not like, because I am really bad at things like paintings. The most important thing that I have learned from this semester is how to write an organized essay, how to be critical thing and how to do citation in an essay.

















Part 2: Links to WordPress


Comic Strip   https://syrlinguo.wordpress.com/2016/12/07/friendship/

Infographics https://syrlinguo.wordpress.com/2016/12/15/marji-and-florence/

Film Review    https://syrlinguo.wordpress.com/2016/12/15/hero-in-real-life-2/

Argument Essay    https://syrlinguo.wordpress.com/2016/12/15/difference-in-judging-self-and-others/

Portfolio   https://syrlinguo.wordpress.com/2016/12/15/portfolio-8/

Hero in real life

Hero in real life.

Schindler’s list is a movie that really touched me for a while when I watched it for a first time. The reason that I can not forget this movie because the whole movie represents a vivid world to me and the story line and the order of the movie really make me have to stop and have a thought. In the same while, it is also struggle for me to watch it one more time. Because the story of this movie is really heavy. This movie is a 1993 historical drama, directed and co-produced by Steven Spielberg,scripted by Steven Zailian and acted by Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley,Ralph Fiennes and Caroline Goodall.

During World War II, Oskar Schindler, a business man, who is really good at social so he established a good relations with officer of Nazi Party. Because of this, he runs a factory to produce enamelware and enjoys wealth and status as Herr Direktor. At first, he hires Jewish workers just because they cost less. But after he saw how Nazis kills people. How they tortured people. Especially when he really wanted to help a child but he could not save her life. He wants to help Jewish. He saved a lot of people during the war by using his factory.

From time00:34:31, director use two shot to present the relationship of two people.And we can see how two people act during their conversation. It give us a chance to make our own judgment for characteristic of roles and how they feel about each other. At the time, 00:35:20, director use zoom too show us the facial expression of  two roles. Show us the mind movement of the roles. Make the movie more realistic. At the time 00:36:16 the camara shot changed into over the shoulder. It gives the audience a feeling that the man is talking towards them.

https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nvuEWqt  Schindeler’s list.

The camera shot was changed from medium to close up. The director wants audience focus on the roles’facial expressions. The light towards the man and backwards the woman. The director wants to enlighten the man. Also can made us make a perception ourself that the man lead this relationship. He is more powerful.

This scene is happened after the woman find the man has an affair. But the woman does not show any anger. We even can see that she is enjoying staying with the man at that time by her facial expression. The director is implying the audience how well the man can be at dealing with others.

I think this movie use fine techniques and settings to establish an deep theme but not abstract. Most of people can understand what the director wants to express. I highly recommend this movie to people who does not believe selfless and goodness. Because this movie will show them how a selfishness tend to be a selflessness. How he helped people but did not asked for a return.

Difference in judging self and others



Yaojia Lei

Lin. Guo


14 December 2016

Differences In Judging Self and Others

Is there a difference between self judgment and judging others? My answer is yes. Many students might not recognize it. But the difference does exist. Due to these reasons:1. Self-judgment is more accurate.2.self-judgment is more positive.3. private things can not be judged.

People tend to judge themselves more accurate than they judge others, because ‘they may include relevant and valid information not available to the peers’(John and Robins,206). This means that when I make a mistake I will go easy on myself, because I know I am not intended to make that mistake and I have reasons for it. But if I see someone else do it I would assume there is something wrong with his or her personality, because I do not have much information about them. So there is a difference between judging others and self due to accuracy.

People are more likely to accept and generate positive judgments for themselves according to self-enhancement theory. ‘self-enhancement involves a preference for positive over negative self views’(Sedikides,102-116). In other words, when people make a judgment about themselves, they will choose words that enhance their self-esteem. Make themselves feel better. But they will not do that when they make judgments to others. So there is a difference between judging others and self due to self-enhancement theory.

There is more private things that can not be judged. For example, emotion. ‘Given the subjective quality of emotion ratings, most researchers have apparently assumed that it would be difficult for peers to judge the emotional lives of other people…’(Watson and Clark,928). In other words, people judge others by others’ behaviors and the behaviors are affected by others’ emotions. People who lost his or her temper will do something that he or she will not do on usual.  We can not judge whether he or she is acting emotionally or not. But we do know when we are not in a good mood. So we have reasons for acting weirdly. But we have no ideas about others. Then, there is a difference between judging self and others.

Some people would say that there is no difference between judging self and judging others, because we all get self-judgment form others’ words. ‘even the youngest children were able to accurately infer peers’ judgments of them’ (Malloy, Albright and Scarpati, abstract). On the other hand, if two people get same judgments from others, there will no difference in self-judgment and judging others. But I do not think so, according to the self-enhancement theory, people tend to accept positive judgment to accomplish self-esteem. It means that even two people get same judgments from others, this two will not think they own same personality.  Both of them will accept positive judgments and make excuses for their negative judgments but only for self not each other. So there is a difference between self-judgment and judging others.

In conclusion, I am pretty sure that there is a difference between self-judgment and judging others. Not just because people have more valid information when they judge themselves but also because the self-enhancement theory and private things are hardly judged by others. Even some people would say that same judgments from others to two people will lead no difference between judging self and another one. I insist that even this two have same evaluation from others, they still have higher self-judgment to themselves. So, next time, when we are going to make a judgment, we should think more about it.





Works Cited



         John, Oliver P., and Richard W. Robins. “Accuracy and bias in self-perception: individual differences

in self-enhancement and the role of narcissism.” Journal of personality and social psychology 66.1 (1994):




Sedikides, Constantine, and Aiden P. Gregg. “Self-enhancement: Food for thought.” Perspectives

on Psychological Science 3.2 (2008): 102-116.



Sedikides, Constantine, and Aiden P. Gregg. “Self-enhancement: Food for thought.” Perspectives on Psychological Science 3.2 (2008): 102-116.Malloy, Thomas E., Linda Albright, and Stan Scarpati. “Awareness of peers’ judgments of oneself: Accuracy and process of metaperception.” International Journal of Behavioral Development 31.6 (2007): 603-610.


Watson, David, and Lee A. Clark. “Self-versus peer ratings of specific emotional traits: Evidence of convergent and discriminant validity.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 60.6 (1991): 927.

Hero in real life

Hero in real life.

Schindler’s list is a movie that really touched me for a while when I watched it for a first time. I was impressed by the realistic of the movie.In the same while, it is also struggle for me to watch it one more time. Because the story of this movie is really heavy. This movie is a 1993 historical drama, directed and co-produced by Steven Spielberg,scripted by Steven Zailian and acted by Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley,Ralph Fiennes and Caroline Goodall.

During World War II, Oskar Schindler, a business man, who is really good at social so he established a good relations with officer of Nazi Party. Because of this, he runs a factory to produce enamelware and enjoys wealth and status as Herr Direktor. At first, he hires Jewish workers just because they cost less. But after he saw how Nazis kills people. How they tortured people. Especially after he witnessed a child’s death . He wanted to help Jewish.


From time00:34:31, director use two shot to present the relationship of two people.And we can see how two people act during their conversation. It give us a chance to make our own judgment for characteristic of roles and how they feel about each other. At the time, 00:35:20, director use zoom too show us the facial expression of  two roles. Show us the mind movement of the roles. Make the movie more realistic. At the time 00:36:16 the camera shot changed into over the shoulder. It gives the audience a feeling that the man is talking towards them.

https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nvuEWqt  Schindeler’s list.

screen-shot-2016-11-02-at-12-40-20-amThe costume roles were shown in the picture were tidy and gorgeous. It means they were attending a fancy party. This gave us a direct impression of how wealthy and success Schindeler could be.

The music from time1;06;00 to 1;07;35 highly cooperated the scene. The Nazis were killing people. The music gave the audience a feeling of incapability and sadness.

https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nvuEWqt  Schindeler’s list.

I think this movie use fine techniques and settings to establish an deep theme but not abstract. Most of people can understand what the director wants to express. I highly recommend this movie to people who like historical drama. Because this movie recoded a real life hero who saved people’s life during world war II and caught audience’s mind almost every scenes.